Weight and Type






Head Crown eye Colour and Ears


Colour and Pattern






1. WEIGHT and TYPE -

Bold thickset and firm. The body should be short, broad and well muscled with little visible neck. The well muscled rump is short and well rounded. The chest is broad and deep with curved sides where it meets the shoulders which are broad and strong. The front legs are short and straight. The hind legs are short, strong, powerful and carried parallel to the body. The tail is straight and well furred. A small dewlap is permissible in adult does but not desirable.
Adult Weight





The coat to be dense and of good length, roll back with an abundance of guard hairs. Legs and pads to be well furred. A small amount of extended fur around flanks is permissible on under five months exhibits.


The head is bold, broad and well developed. The profile of the head is strongly curved with a good width between the eyes, full cheeks and a broad muzzle. The eyes are bold, bright and large. The basal ridge of the ears should appear prominent across the top of the skull to form the crown. Ears should be broad, thick, well furred and rounded at the ends. They should be carried close to the cheeks giving a horseshoe like outline when viewed from the front. The inside of the ears should not be visible from any angle when carried correctly.


The mane should be between 2-3 inches in length to form a full circle around the head, extending to a 'V' at the back of the neck falling into a fringe between the ears.


Black - A deep solid black, carried well down hair shaft with blue/black undercolour. Eyes dark hazel or black.

Blue - Deep or medium slate blue carried well down hair shaft with slate blue undercolour. Eyes dark blue.

Agouti - Rich chestnut top colour with black ticking over an intermediate orange band with dark slate undercolour. Ears laced black. Eye circles, belly and undertail white with slate blue undercolour. Pale top colour a fault. Eyes deep hazel.

Sooty Fawn - Even shade of orange/fawn to carry well down hair shaft to a blueish white undercolour. Ears, belly, undertail to be blueish black (sooty), cheeks and flanks to be shaded/topped with sooty tips. Eyes hazel.

Fawn - Bright rich fawn free of black/blue guard hairs, shading to a white undercolour. Chest to match flanks. Eye circles, inside of ears, underside of jowl, belly and undertail to be white. Black/blue guard hairs to be considered a serious fault. Eyes hazel.

Black Fox - To be an even jet-black with undercolour as dark as possible extending to the skin. The chest, flanks and feet to be well and evenly ticked with silver-tipped guard hairs. Any extension of the ticking up the side and/or over the back to be considered a beauty and not a fault. The eye circles as neat as possible, a pea spot in front of the base of each ear. Inside of ears, line of jaw, underside of tail and belly all to be white, undercolour permissible. Triangle to be white but as small as possible. Eyes brown or grey.

Black Otter - Body colour to be lustrous black, uniform throughout, with slate blue undercolour to reach skin. The belly and underside of the chin and tail to be creamy white with blue or white undercolour, to be divided from the body colour by a distinct border of tan. Nostrils and nape of neck to be tan. Eye circles and inside ears to be fawn. Chest to be a mixture of black and tan, merging with the main body colour. The fore feet on the front shall be predominantly black, the tan border between belly and flanks shall be continued down to the hind feet. Faults - brown or rust tinge to the body colour. White or tan hairs other than in the patterned area. Grey belly surface. Eyes brown.

NB: the colour standard for the Otter is based on the Otter Rex, the remainder are all based on the Dwarf Lop standard.

*Blue Eyed White - White as pure as possible, eye colour dark blue.

*Orange - Rich orange, free from ticking, belly white. White or cream undercolour. Eyes hazel.

*Siamese Sable - Medium - very rich sepia on ears, face, back, outside of legs, and upper side of tail shading to a paler undercolour. Saddle colour shading off to a considerably paler colour on flanks and belly, the dark face colour to shade off from eyes to jowl to blend with the chest and flanks. All blending to be gradual, avoiding any blotches or streaks and consisting of a soft and varied diffusion of sepia shadings. Eyes to have a distinct ruby glow.

Light - as medium, but colour to be rich sepia.

Dark - as medium but colour to be very rich dark sepia.

Faults - brown eyes.

*Butterfly pattern. - Colour of butterfly nose marking to fully cover nose and top lip. Head markings, white to be in proportion to body colours. Ears to match the body colour. Body colour to extend from tail to shoulders, patches of colour on white of shoulders permissable. Body colour to extend down falnks. Flanks, chest and belly white, teat spots permissable. No white to be present in general colour.

Faults - Too many white hairs in nose, top lip and body markings

**Red Eyed White - As pure white as possible, eyes ruby red.

**Opal - Top colour pale shade of blue, with fawn band between this and the slate band under colour. Ears laced blue. Eyes circle, underside of tail to be white with slate undercolour.

**Siamese Smoke - Saddle to extend from nape to tail to be smoke in colour, shading to pearl grey on flanks, chest and belly. Head, ears, feet and upperside of tail to match saddle as near as possible. All shadings to be gradual to avoid blotches or streaks. Under colour to match surface as closely as possible following the varied shadings throughout. Eyes to have a distinct ruby glow.

FAULTS: Brown eyes and white hairs.

***Steel - Dark chamois or light sandy colour down to the skin, faintly ticked with blue. Hairs tinted light at base, medium in middle and darker at tips. Blue shading on flanks, muzzle, edges of the ears. Top sides of hind legs beige, pads blue;forefeet same as body. Tail beige on top, blue under. Belly beige with deeper blue shading

***Beige - Dark steel grey merging to a slate blue undercolour. The whole interspersed with black guard hairs. Extreme tips of the fur to be tipped with steel blue or grey. The mixture to carry well down the sides, flanks and hind feet. Belly colour will be a lighter shade varying with the top colour, underside to tone with belly colour. Ears to match body. Eyes deep hazel.

FAULTS: White or frosty nose. White whiskers. Blue too dark, brownish or rusty colour


The exhibit should be in a perfect state of health and bodily condition, free from all soiling, particularly on the feet, ears and genital parts. The coat should reflect the overall good health of the exhibit, which should appear alert and vigorous.


Long coat on ears and body, excessively short or long mane, body too long, head not sufficiently characteristic of breed, pimpled or damaged ears, poor ear carriage, ears folded, crown not developed, fly back coat, large dewlaps in does, rear feet not parallel to the body, light soiling of feet, ear and genital organs, bare pads, fur slightly soiled or matted, long toenails, lack of vitality.


Complete lack of mane, Maloccluded or mutilated teeth, over weight limit, deformities and mutilations, deformation of the teeth, feet bowed or bent, white toe nails in coloured exhibits, crooked tail, any discernible illness or disease, blindness or partial blindness, incorrect eye colour, any parasitic infection, much soiling, matted coat, sore pads (where skin is broken or scabbed) any evidence of irregular preparation for exhibition including trimming and dyeing.

*Additional Colours added to the Standard as at 1st July 2007.

**Additional Colours added to the Standard as at 1st July 2008

***Additional Colours added to the Standard as at 1st July 2009

Added 1/7/2010

Iron Grey – Colour of coat - The base colour is pearl. The guard hairs are blackish brown, the black tips of which cover the whole coat with a veil of pale charcoal colour.

Colour of markings - The markings consist of a base coat, shadings and belly colour and includes the whole body. The belly colour and shadings are sooty (charcoal) coloured, this colour extending over the nose, ears, chest, lower half of shoulder, flanks, rump, top of tail, legs and belly. The shading fades towards the upper body and is strongest on the nose, ears and belly. The head from underneath the eyes to the base of the ears is less heavily shaded. The pattern of shading should not contain any gaps or breaks. The tip of the tail and the underside of the feet may be lighter coloured.

Under and mid colour - The undercolour and mid colour is white

Added 1/7/2011

Chocolate - Deep rich Chocolate, even and sound, top colour to go down the hair shaft as far as possible, undercolour to be pearl grey. Eyes to be Brown with a ruby glow.

Sealpoint - A rich dark sepia brown on ears, nose (mask) feet and tail. Body to be cream with Sepia shadings which are gradual to avoid blotches or streaks. Eyes to have a distinct ruby glow. Brown eyes are a fault.

Bluepoint - Smoky blue on ears, nose (mask) feet and tail. Body to be cream with Sepia shadings which are gradual to avoid blotches or streaks. Eyes to have a distinct ruby glow. Brown eyes are a fault.

Added 1/07/13

Cinnamon - Overall impression brown dusted orange colour edged with white. Back: slate undercolour, thin orange band (or wide orange band), chocolate brown tips. Belly: Slate undercolour, white top colour. Ears laced brown. Underjaw, eye circles, inside of ears, under-tail white. Nape of neck and groin streaks orange. Eyes brown. Nails dark or light horn.

Added 1/7/14

Chinchilla - sparkling silvery-grey edged with white. Back: Slate undercolour, pearly white band, black tips. Belly: Slate undercolour, white top colour. Ears laced black. Underjaw, eye circles, inside of ears, under-tail white. Eyes blue, blue-grey or brown. Nails dark horn or black.

Added 01/02/15

Chocolate Point - Overall impression light cream shading to light chocolate points
Body colour cream, belly creamy white Smut, ears, feet and tail light caramel chocolate. Eyes caramel with a definite ruby glow. Nails light horn.

AOC - Any other colour conforming to and colour or pattern accepted in other breeds accepted by the British Rabbit Council.